Introducing our new Brand

Introducing our new Brand marketplace: f1, motorsport and car enthusiasts product category

So why rebrand?

At the GPBox we're continuously looking to improve everything we do. In line with our new website we wanted to create a brand that represents us today and is fit for purpose for the future.

GPBox rebrand by Liven Creative

The new bold look and feel creates a strong brand for our website and all other communications moving forward.

So where did we start?

Working with the guys over at Liven Creative we set out the strategy for our brand, this was achieved by a number of workshops to understand our aspirations for the brand. After completing our workshops the brand strategy was written and agreed before we moved onto the visual elements of our brand (the exciting bit!!).

Design concepts

Our branding agency created a number of concepts for us to choose from (see below), they all had different merits and ideas within them but we had one clear favourite.

Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3

Our favourite design concept was the third concept, we liked the striking colours and typography and feel it's a perfect fit for our world class marketplace. But of course we had a few comments that we wanted the designers to review and come back to us with some option. It's amazing to see how designers develop a logo!

Concept development

Final identity design

When you see your new identity for the first time it takes a while to let it sink in, when we saw the revised identity we knew instantly it was what we were looking for and knew it would project the right message for our brand.

Website design

The next stage was to start thinking about how to integrate the branding into our website. We started from the ground up, thinking about every single touch point for the website to make sure every journey was defined and thought about. The end result has taken months of development and we're really happy with where we are, we won't stop here. We're forever innovating and pushing ourselves to make the GPBox the best marketplace for motorsport fans and car enthusiasts in the world.

Brand guidelines

The new branding looks amazing and to make sure we're implementing it properly we've had a set of brand guidelines created to ensure all touch points for our brand adhere strongly to our new look and feel.

The future...

Exciting times are ahead for the GPBox with new features being developed all the time, we're look forward to the what the future will bring for our website and we hope you are too.