Phone Case

Phone Case

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Customer reviews from these products

Trenton S.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I ordered the forged carbon case for my iPhone XS and i must say, from the way the case fits to the beautiful shimmer of the forged carbon, this case is excellent! It has just enough bezel around the front to keep the screen from touching and it allows you to lay your phone down and show off that beautiful carbon! I thank you so much for the great product SCF!

iPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber | CLASSIC
Purchased item: IPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber | CLASSIC
Chieu L.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This is a great case for my Iphone XS . Love it !

iPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber | CLASSIC
Purchased item: IPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber | CLASSIC
Rai Cano
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Really Cool Case. Bought it for Black Friday. Only inconvinience is when im at a lecture and because of the very strong light i can see all of my finger prints on the case, but anywhere else (also illuminated) isn't a problem.

iPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber Case
Purchased item: IPhone X & XS Real Forged Carbon Fiber Case
J. M.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I really like how it looks nice quality suede little hint of carbon looks nice as well

iPhone 6/7/8 PLUS Alcantara & Real Carbon Fiber
Purchased item: IPhone 6/7/8 PLUS Alcantara & Real Carbon Fiber